May 13, 2009

War, grunt.

I'm sitting in bed, laptop on thigh, as every night this past week. I seem to fail at getting anything done or even being able intelligently function ever since school ended. I don't really have any goals except getting my license. One guy's status on Facebook said "waging a war against my belongings" and I decided that was pretty definitive of my current situation. There are too many items in my life between home and college and I'm too stubborn to part with any of them. I wish I could be super Spartan with my belongings like John who had a total of 5 bags when he left from the Delt house last week. I had:

10 bags from the Delt House room
18 bags from the Ravine room
2 laundry baskets full of things
&one saxophone

Not to mention my fridge, lamp, TV, DVD player, and pouf chair in storage.

That does it. I own too many things and need to zennify my life by throwing it all out/having a super yard sale.

Omg, a yard sale. The PR possibilities...I could Overkill up the signs. I could offer one free cupcake with every purchase. There could be pink lemonade. NEW SUMMER PROJECT.

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