Jun 4, 2010

Cheese #3: Barber's Vintage Cheddar

I sit out on the porch, recovering from the buzzy excitement of afternoon-off bookstore shopping. Now I have my literature, a glass of Chablis, and my new bar of co-op cheese to try: a $1.05 English cheddar recommended by the handsome 20-something running the cheese sampling counter at Honest Foods. The actual name of the co-op is Honest Weight Foods, but I don't like that name, so I've shortened it in my head.

I'm not in the mood to write a fiction about this cheese, so I have only nonfiction. (I don't think I have enough talent yet to delve into cheese poetry.) I've meticulously set up my surroundings to what I hope resembles the life of an artful bloggess, like Emily from http://cupcakesandcashmere.com/ And while blogging is always self-centered and presumptuous, I can't help but admire how easy they make everything seem so lush, so decadent. It's escapist. And although the sun shines, the wine refreshes, Miles Davis plays, and the cheddar crumbles with savory texture, I can't forget that I'm a broke 21-year-old intern SANS INCOME who can't afford this lifestyle I'm living. In fact, as soon as I'm out on my own, I don't even know if a $1.05 bar of cheese will be a treat I can afford. I feel like I'm playing a part in a play and these books and treats are props. I really want a good job someday.

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